This is a list of the most popular original songs created with Synthesizer V. The songs listed here have all exceeded 1 million views on YouTube, Niconico, or Bilibili. If a song reaches this milestone on multiple platforms, only the one with the highest view count is listed.

Only "official" remixes or alternate versions are included. For example, if an artist releases two versions of a song with different vocalists, or produces a remake of their own song using Synthesizer V.

YouTube (English)

Song Artist Vocals Views

YouTube (non-English)

Song Artist Vocals Views


There are currently no songs on Niconico that meet the criteria to be listed which aren't also present on YouTube with a higher view count. A full list of songs on Niconico with over 1 million views can be found under the "Synthesizer V Hall of Legends" tag.


Song Artist Vocals Views